



Bylaws and Charter

Rules and Regulations

League Policies

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Red River Valley Junior Roller Derby?

RRVJRD is a coed league of guys and gals from the region who play flat track roller derby in Fargo. RRVJRD is different from many sports teams in that our skaters and support staff run all business aspects of the league - from bout production, graphic design, filing taxes, and so on. All positions are 100% volunteer.

Who may join?

  • Girls and boys between 7 and 17 years of age.
  • Anyone 18 and over may join in a variety roles including, but not limited to, referees, stat trackers, coaches, announcers, and general help.
  • Anyone of any age may help support the league through promoting, fundraising, sponsoring, volunteering, and attending events and bouts.

What are the rules?

VRR currently plays by the Womens Flat Track Derby Associaion (WFTDA) ruleset found here. The Junior Roller Derby Association (JRDA) uses the same ruleset. The current set of JRDA rules along with information on member leagues, national rankings, referee hand signals, and the minimum skills requirements can be found on the JDRA website at juniorrollerderby.org.

How much does it cost?

I used to watch Rollerjam. Isn't roller derby dangerous?

Roller derby has come a long way since those days and great strides have been made in creating rules that promote safety above all. In fact, many hits that classic derby is known for are forbidden. That's not to say that there aren't risks involved in playing, as there is in any contact sport, but the rules are there to minimize harm while still making the sport fun to play.

One mother wrote about her experiences with her daughter wanting to join junior roller derby. "Mom’s confession: Why I let my 8-year-old daughter do roller derby"